Current local time in USA

USA is divided into 6 time zones.

Time Zone Time Cities in This Time Zone
Eastern Time
EDT or UTC-04:00
New York City, Philadelphia, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Columbus, Charlotte, Detroit, Baltimore, Boston, Washington, D.C.
Central Time
CDT or UTC-05:00
Chicago, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Fort Worth, Memphis, Milwaukee, Oklahoma City, Nashville
Mountain Time
MDT or UTC-06:00
Phoenix, El Paso, Denver, Albuquerque, Tucson, Mesa, Colorado Springs, Aurora, Chandler, Glendale
Pacific Time
PDT or UTC-07:00
Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Las Vegas, Fresno, Sacramento, Long Beach
Alaska Time
AKDT or UTC-08:00
Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Eagle River, Badger, Knik-Fairview, College, Sitka, Lakes, Tanaina
Hawaii-Aleutian Time
HST or UTC-10:00
Honolulu, Pearl City, Hilo, Kailua, Waipahu, Kaneohe, Mililani Town, Kahului, ‘Ewa Gentry, Kīhei

Find out the current time in all USA’s cities

Daylight saving time (DST) in USA

To determine DST rules for a specific city in USA, click on the city name in the table below or enter it in the top menu search form.

Current time in USA’s neighbouring countries


Full name: United States of America
Continent: North America
Region: Northern America
Population: 310,232,863
Area: 9,629,091 km²
Capital: Washington D.C.
Currency: Dollar (USD)
Phone code: 1
Domain: .us
Wikipedia article: USA