Current local time in Guyana
It is the current local time right now in Georgetown, Linden, New Amsterdam, Anna Regina, Bartica and in all Guyana’s cities.
Guyana’s time zone: -04 or UTC-04:00
Full name: Co-operative Republic of Guyana
Continent: South America
Capital: Georgetown
Daylight saving time (DST) changes in Guyana
No daylight saving time (DST) in Guyana.
Current time in Guyana’s neighbouring countries
Region: South America
Population: 748,486
Area: 214,970 km²
Currency: Dollar (GYD)
Phone code: 592
Domain: .gy
Wikipedia article: Guyana
Population: 748,486
Area: 214,970 km²
Currency: Dollar (GYD)
Phone code: 592
Domain: .gy
Wikipedia article: Guyana