Disclaimer: dateandtime.info

Software of dateandtime.info extracts information relevant to user queries from a database containing city, country, and time zone data. The information is then processed and shown in a user-friendly way.

We make every effort to provide our users with accurate and relevant information. However, databases and software may contain errors; rules and laws governing time zones and time calculation in various countries and territories are subject to change.

Dateandtime.info information and software are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. We do not guarantee this website's information accuracy or suitability for a particular purpose. Information on dateandtime.info may contain factual and typographical errors. Information and software provided by the dateandtime.info website may be changed, updated or improved at any time without notice.

You use dateandtime.info information and software at your own risk. The dateandtime.info website, its owners, employees and other people and companies affiliated with dateandtime.info take absolutely no responsibility for any direct or indirect damage or losses of any kind resulting from the use of dateandtime.info information and software.